Macmillan Welfare Benefits Service East Kent



What we do

The Macmillan Welfare Benefit Advice Service (East Kent) is aimed at any one in the East Kent area affected by cancer. It is also available to their families and carers.
This service is free of charge to all regardless of income. To contact us please call.
Telephone: 01227 762122

Examples of services provided under this project are:
Applications for and entitlement to benefits and tax credits
Income maximisation
Form filling
Appeals against benefit decisions
Health costs such as prescriptions and travel to hospital
Charitable grants
Housing costs
Council Tax discounts
Transport concessions, e.g. disabled parking badge

Macmillan welfare benefits advice for people, carers and their families that are affected by cancer – ring 01227 762122 for Macmillan benefits advice or to book a Macmillan appointment. Every Monday to Friday from 10am- 4pm.

