Find a Voice
49, Beaver Lane, Ashford, TN23 5NU
What we do
Find A Voice supports children and adults who have a severe speech, language or communication difficulty, and who may require some form of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) support. This can include signing, symbols or a communication aid. Support is provided in person, by telephone and via this website. Find A Voice is a Kent based registered charity which helps and supports people of all ages with speech, language and communication difficulties throughout Kent, Medway and beyond. We are the only charity in the country that provides this service. We visit schools, hospitals and do home visits with all of our equipment as a mobile resource library. Our service is used by parents, teachers, speech and language therapists and various other professionals. We estimate there are 25,000 people in our area who would benefit from our help and expertise. We believe that it should be possible for everyone to have the opportunity to have a ‘voice’ and to make decisions about their own lives. Our centre has many resources available for everyone to hire free of charge. We have a collection of exciting, cute and musical toys, also vibrating and stimulation toys to inspire a child’s imagination and encourage their switching skills. We have a wide range of books and DVDs about communication needs, alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) and learning disabilities.