St Gabriels Church on Kings Hill
19, The Vicarage, Worcester Avenue, Kings Hill, ME19 4FL
What we do
A welcoming church on Kings Hill, St Gabrilels runs a main morning service that takes place at 10 am each Sunday. Generally, we use Common Worship for Holy Communion although sometimes a Morning Prayer is used instead. We also run a Community Hub and cafe aimed at bringing the Kings Hill Community together. The Hub is a community space and cafe to be used to meet, gather and coordinate. We are also home to Messy Church on Kings Hill. We meet 6 times a year at 4pm on a Sunday afternoon. If you are new to Messy church, it is a mix of activities, worship and food. It’s for all ages and through the activities and worship we explore a theme and then share a meal together. One of our most popular Messy Church’s is on Christmas eve, where we have a scratch Nativity and Christingle making and lighting as part of the service.
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